Saturday, 3 September 2011

Photohunt - Wrong

A dolphin leaping out of the water?.........Wrong! It's a balloon!


CherryPie said...

Yes I was wrong. But now you mention it, I can see the string.

jams o donnell said...

Aww what a shame.. Still it gave the opportunity for a great shot! I would love a dolphin balloon!

bing said...

a dolphin balloon! wow. it is so wrong to see it while the sun sets! :-D

Alice Audrey said...

Excellent! You really had me going.

Anonymous said...

It looks so real!! great take on the theme!

Ruth said...

You can see the string when you enlarge it, but it was a good opportunity for an interesting shot ;)

Claude said...

Which string?

Who is a balloon? One of those men? I'm not surprised!;)

Great photo, Ruth!

Anonymous said...

And it aint from your recent trip to the outer hebrides either, unless it's a photo of a photo on a wall inside a gloomy old pub in Stornoway.... Ah Yes, I think I've got it right (or am I just keeping in theme and getting it all wrong?). Where was it?

tinyskillet said...

I think that is right, perfect place at the right time! Love it!

Allthingsfoodie said...

That is an awesome pic! I couldn't wait to click on that pretty sunset and then to see that is a great surprise.

Ruth said...

Claude - a blow-up man? Surely not ;)
You're right Andrew, this wasn't taken in Scotland, it's Cavtat in Croatia.

Sean Jeating said...

My, it is such obvious: the string is wrong.
Nice try, though, Ruth.

Anonymous said...

Ruth... Claude... A blow-up man... I am getting confused... and disturbed. This is definitely all wrong.

YTSL said...

A live dolphin captured in that photo would have been great! But the balloon one's still pretty cool looking. :)