Friday, 16 September 2011

Photohunt - Wooden

We saw the remains of this poor old wooden boat on Barra this summer. We could still make out the name - The Boy David.


CherryPie said...

I think this wood needs a little TLC :-)

bing said...

how sad... to think that it had been of use before.

ancient one said...

Beautiful old ruin... Love this!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure Ruth will take kindly to being called a "beautiful old ruin", but I suppose it's the best she can hope for these days.

Ruth said...

Actually I quite like being a beautiful old ruin!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a few too many sailors have been on board Ruth (or did I a miss out a comma there? You decide. The importance of punctuation eh?).

Anonymous said...

I can see the slight attraction of the ruined wreck to some people but I do think that generally such things should be tidied away out of view. (The boat... I'm talking about the boat... I would never dare to be rude to Ruth).