Saturday, 10 December 2011

Photohunt - Lights

Lights from the Christmas fair in Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh.


Anonymous said...

Oh, nice one!

CherryPie said...

A lovely picture, I bet that fair was a lot of fun :-)

CherryPie said...

PS: blogger plays up occasionally with comments. You could try to comment whilst logged out of blogger and see if that works.

Ruth said...

Thanks CP. I have tried that and it still doesn't work. I've had this problem before and never been able to comment on some people's blog because of it :(

Anonymous said...

I'll be there on the 23rd. A whirly blurry photo from the swinging seat perhaps? I wonder if big Daddy Bears are allowed on? A photo as inertia takes over just after the chain has broken under my weight would be even more spectacular, perhaps.

Ruth said...

This was taken last year. We are planning to be there on the 23rd too. I will make sure I don't stand underneath the swinging seats!

jams o donnell said...

Nice one!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I shall look out for you then. And you better look out for me as I am sure you, (and perhaps Mr Muscles too?), would prefer to avoid me... as people generally do.

I think it is the German Market that Dear Daughter wants to meet us at, unless, in annoyance at David Cameron's latest unfriendliness the German marketeers have upped sticks and headed home in a huff. (Eine Huffe?)

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Beautiful. I was actually there last year... not in the air, but drinking Gluwine on the ground:-)

I'm sorry that you are having problems with the new Saturday PhotoHunt site.
I hope y'all will continue to join in the fun on FaceBook!